Tuesday 13 September 2011

Project - Drawing Trees

These are some of the sketches I did using pencil and charcoal.  Studies of individual trees and groups of trees.

Drawing a statue

This was my attempt at drawing a statue.
It stands in the middle of the market place in Bury St Edmunds, but it was a busy day, and I felt very self concious trying to draw it, so I ended up taking a photo.

Project - Townscapes

The next exercise involved a study of a townscape using line.
I enjoyed doing this drawing.  Working in pen is good for me as I know I can't rub it out, and Tipp-ex isn't really the done thing!
Then we had to do some sketchbook drawings of building in a town. Trying to get a sense of the buildings and structure.

Then I moved on to doing a limited palette study from the sketches.  I don't know why I chose purple, mustard and rust.  I think the pencils looked good together in the tin.  On the paper, not so good, but you get the idea.

Project- Perspective

This was a really frustrating part of the course.  Not only did I have lines going everywhere across my drawings, but none of them seemed to meet at the right place.
The first exercise was parallel perspective- drawing a doorway straight on. Then we had to do a drawing using angular perspective.  I chose the side of a house. 
I then stuck the drawing to a larger bit of paper to try extending the lines and seeing if they all met on the eye level line. This proved to be a major headache as I just got really confused about which line should go where.
Not a very good photo but you get the idea.
I was glad to move on to the next project.

Another go at plotting space through composition and structure

This is another try at dividing the foreground, middle ground and background in a drawing.  I used watercolour pencils for this one as it was easier to get a better contrast between light and dark.