Monday 6 December 2010


I have finally updated my blog!  I finished these two drawings a few weeks ago, but since then time has just zoomed past me.  These will be some of the drawings I will send in for my first assignment.  This is for the still life using natural forms.  I am really pleased with them.

The first drawing is using pencil and a bit of charcoal for the shading.  As the paper was A2, charcoal worked really well for covering such a vast area.  I wasn't sure what to do for the background so I ended up just lightly shading the whole page.  It doesn't really show up on the photo.

The second picture was using coloured pencil and some pastels.  I was really nervous of doing this one, since I haven't ever used pastels before.  The colours were much brighter than the pencil, and since my subject was a bright orange pumpkin, the pastels were a better choice.  Again this is using A2 paper, which just seems a huge space to fill.  

Now I have started work on my next still life, but this time I am going for some buttons and needles and thread.  Thankfully, this time,  I won't have the problem of my still life decomposing before I get to draw it.